TRANSFAST EXPRESS is committed to doing all that it can to look after property left behind by passengers. We will work hard to reunite passengers with lost property where possible, and we will also ensure that we dispose of any unclaimed lost property in a secure, hygienic and environmentally responsible manner.
What to do if passenger lose an item on the vehicle
If passenger loses an item on one of our vehicles, contact us on our website
If anything has been handed in to us, we will let passenger know. We will also contact
the relevant driver to ask them whether anything has been found on their vehicle.
We cannot always contact the driver immediately, as if they are driving it is unsafe for them to make or receive telephone calls, but we will do our best to get in touch with the driver as soon as it is safe to do so.
If we establish that your lost property has been handed in, you can collect it from our office.
Alternatively, if the item is still on the vehicle, we will arrange for you to meet the driver along the route at a certain time to reclaim the lost property. You may be required to show photographic identification to prove your identity prior to being permitted to reclaim your lost property. You will also be expected to provide a receipt confirming that you have taken possession of the item in question.
What to do if passenger find an item on the vehicle
If passenger find an item of lost property on any of our vehicles, passenger must hand it to the driver at a safe point during your journey. Passenger must not leave the vehicle with the item still in it’s possession.
How we store, handle and process lost property
Items of lost property that are not claimed from a vehicle throughout the day are handed in to the
office at the end of the day. All items are logged at the office and stored.
Items are stored securely in the office and are categorised by the week in which they were found.
All items, except those which are, or become, objectionable, are stored for four 12 months from the date of finding.
During this time passengers contacting our office will be advised that the item has been found, and arrangements can be made to collect the item.
After 12 months have passed, the item will be disposed of.
Valuable items, including mobile phones, wallets, medication and personal / confidential documents will be stored securely by a manager during this period.
Where a potential owner can be identified from an item of lost property, e.g. by a telephone number or address on the item, we will make contact with the potential owner to inform them that the item has been found.
Perishable goods will be stored for a maximum period of 24 hours, but may be disposed of sooner if they begin to become objectionable or pose a risk to health.
Any illegal items or substances found on our vehicles will not be returned, but will instead be passed to the Police for disposal.
Our employees have the right to open packages, bags and other containers and thoroughly inspect
the contents in order to assess whether said container contains any of the above types of item.
How we dispose of lost property
At the conclusion of the 12 months lost property retention period, or sooner in the event of perishable goods, lost property will be disposed of.
Items of value may be auctioned off or sold in order to raise revenue to cover the cost of processing lost property.
Similarly, any money unclaimed after this time period will be used to cover these costs.
Any item containing personal / confidential information will be disposed of securely via approved
shredding contractor.
Items which may hold incidental value will be donated to a local charity.
All other items will be disposed of via our commercial waste disposal contractors.
Recyclable items will be recycled wherever possible.
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